Adrian Center for the Art Writer’s Workshop – October
October 1st, 2024
Adrian Center for the Art Writer's Workshop
Tuesday, October 1st, from 6p - 9p
Ages: 16+ years old
We are pleased to announce that ACA will host a weekly writing workshop! Local writers are welcome to bring in anything they have written for review and to receive positive feedback in a group setting. Bring your novel, play, poem, screenplay, letter to the editor, or any other work in progress that you'd like some input on. All are welcome!
Please bring 6-8 copies and limit word counts to 4,000 to ensure all who bring something for review can also present their work. Adrian Center for the Arts membership is encouraged but not required!
Don't have a new piece? Come out anyway and offer local writers positive, encouraging advice on the work presented! We welcome you! Please know the Gallery is a historic building with steps.